Once gain, the move to the AASU campus seems to have paid off. We had about the same amount of people as last time. Thanks to all of you who came out!

Super Street Fighter 4 Results:

1.) Adam “Ramen Addict” Vongsaisuwan – (Adon)

2.) Rashid “ShinkuuR” Reddy – (Makoto)

3.) Cardell Thomas – (Chun-li, C. Viper)

Marvel vs Capcom 3 Results:

1.) “Paobid” – (Wesker, Super Skrull, Taskmaster)

2.) “Ky” – (Magneto, Wesker, Sentinel)

3.) Shawn “Sevans” Evans – (Zero, Amaterasu, Doctor Doom)

Sadly, we once again had minimum support for Mortal Kombat and a tournament did not take place. People should pick this game up, it’s really good!

Upcoming strategy article? Poll.

Posted: May 7, 2011 in Poll

Well, Spring semester is over, so with that comes plenty of Summer free time. I’m itching to do a little writing and I figured that a strategy article similar to my Zero or Frame Data article might scratch that itch. I couldn’t quite decide exactly what I wanted to write it on, but I’ve made a poll to see what you folks would like to see best.

I have recently had to write an essay regarding the protection of video games by the First Amendment. I did this for a grade and it’s not the most well written essay, but may prove to be an interesting read for those keeping up with video game politics. It’s a bit long, you have been warned.

The format may have gotten a little twisted in the transition. My apologies.

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For those that were not able to attend the most recent Bi-weekly Brawl at AASU last Saturday, April 23, you definitely missed out. The new venue, an auditorium styled classroom with plenty of space held almost 30 attendees (Although only about 20 of them were playing.) Still, a much better turn out than the previous few bi-weekly gatherings and a pretty solid indicator that moving the tournaments to Armstrong on Saturdays was a good idea.

That said, here are the results:

Super Street Fighter 4

1.) Adam “Ramen Addict” Vongsaisuwan (Adon)

2.) Rashid “ShinkuuR” Reddy (Rose)

3.) Eric “Alvien” McKenna (Bison/Dictator)

Marvel vs Capcom 3

1.) “Ken” (Wolverine/Zero/Akuma)

2.) “Paobid” (Wesker/Skrull/Taskmaster)

3.) Matt Coleman (Morrigan/Trish/Doom)

Unfortunately, the scheduled Mortal Kombat tournament didn’t take place due to a surprisingly low number of entrants. Because of this, expect to see other games (BlazBlue) taking its place until more interest is shown for the game.

Sorry for the tardiness and not knowing the full names of the top two players in MvC3. They were new faces and I didn’t get their whole name before they left.

Bi-weekly tournaments seek new venue

Posted: March 28, 2011 in News

Due to the limited showing at the last bi-weekly tournament, it’s been decided that both a new location and time will be chosen for upcoming events. Much thanks goes out to Empire Comic shop owner, Tony Privette, for letting us use his shop for over half a year now, but unfortunately trecking out to Pooler just doesn’t work for most of the Savannah players.

Instead, we’re searching for something here in Savannah, preferably on south side. I’m going to be speaking with a few people at AASU to see if we can arrange something that will allow us to use one of their rooms for the tournies. The Armstrong campus is centralized and very near-by, so it shouldn’t be too far out of the way for most of us.

But just in case that doesn’t work out, be on the look out for other venues. Remember, we’ll need enough space for about 4 console set-ups and a computer set-up. We’ll also need hardwired internet access for streaming.

Also remember that price is an important factor. We can’t hold the tournaments there if they shop owner demands a large entry fee, it shouldn’t have to be any more than $5 per head, as we’re not just taking their space, we’re also bringing them business.

If I am able to get a room at AASU, we may actually be able to waive the standard entry fee (You’ll still have to pay for game entry, of course.) Alternatively, we can use the money to get food for all the tournament goers, it may help attract more people.

As far as time goes, I’d like to see the bi-weeklies moved to the weekend. It was originally planned for Thursdays because we didn’t want to conflict with regular tournaments in Augusta or Atlanta, but Thursdays seem to cause too many work-related issues. We understand it’s difficult to get every other Thursday off from work, so it will probably be best to accommodate the locals and hold the brawls at a more accessible time.

Hopefully these changes will bring back old faces as well as bring in new ones. We’ve got a strong scene here and we can’t let it fade away.

If there’s anything I’ve learned playing fighting games, it’s that the community has a lot of lingo and technical terms that confuse beginners or spectators.

The lingo side of things is being filled in slowly over on the glossary page, but many of the technical terms require much more than a sentence or two to describe, so I’ll define some of these terms and try to keep it simple so that the people trying to learn can grasp what’s going on.

One term (or topic) that I feel is pretty difficult is that of FRAME DATA, so hit the break to read more about it.

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Gatherings: More or Less?

Posted: March 19, 2011 in News

Having read the recent ‘Console Combat’ article posted on Shoryuken.com, I’m feeling inspired to hold our community get-togethers more frequently to support growth of the scene. The article suggests weekly gatherings, but I know we’re a busy group of people, so I’d like some input.

I’m thinking bi-weekly meets on the off weeks of the bi-weekly tournaments, that way we’re still playing on a weekly basis.

The best day for me would be either Tuesday or Thursday, since I don’t generally have plans on those nights, but I’d like input on what would be most appropriate for other members of the community as well.

Nifty poll after the break.

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After the restart and introducing MvC3 into the game line-up, it seems like interest is still kind of waning, which is really unfortunate. Hopefully it’s just because people were busy.  I hope to see more effort to get to the tournies by our local players.

SSF4 tournament was held in traditional U.S. double elimination format, top 3 participants were:

1.) Rashid Reddy AKA ShinkuuR (Rose)

2.) Brian Dickson AKA Swiper (Guile)

3.) Shawn Evans AKA Sevans (Balrog, Vega)

MvC3 tournament was held in Round Robin format, where each player plays everybody else and the player with the most wins takes the entire jackpot. Top 3:

1.) Jerad Nelson AKA Type_O AKA Pipe_O (Haggar, Hulk, Sentinel, Taskmaster)

2.) Shawn Evans AKA Sevans (Zero, Chris, Amaterasu, Doctor Doom)

3.) Brian Dickson AKA Swiper (Captain America, Wesker, Magneto)

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So after a short break, the Brawls will continue! Same place, almost the same time. Be sure to get there a bit earlier, because now we’re running two games instead of  one. MvC3 will be joining SSF4 on the roster.

I’ll be updating after the tournament, listing the top 3 (or more, if the turnout is high) players in each game as well as gameplay observations and highlights, so be sure to check it out.

Full info after the break.

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Savannah bi-weeklies to continue

Posted: February 25, 2011 in News

After a short hiatus, the Savannah Bi-Weekly Brawls will begin to be rescheduled for those who missed it. Due to attendance issues they were put on hold, but now that MvC3 is out, we’re hoping to have a higher turnout.

The bi-weeklies will continue to be held at Empire Comics in Pooler every other Thursday. Both Super Street Fighter 4 and Marvel vs Capcom 3 will be played, so the tournaments will probably be starting earlier now.

Unfortunately, Pooler is still a bit out of the way for a lot of our players, so if anyone has any ideas for a venue, please suggest them. If we can get this somewhere in Savannah, that would be great.