Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Tier List by Sevans

Posted: January 26, 2012 in Other

I’ve seen a lot of tier talk in forums and heard a lot of it in person lately, so in case any of you were wondering, this is about how I think the current tier list in Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 is looking. I think that, since the core game has been out almost a year, it is safe to begin placing characters. Of course, the new additions haven’t been fleshed out as well, but they are typically either showcasing extreme strengths (Firebrand) or dire weaknesses (Phoenix Wright.)

Ten more years?

Ten more years?

Hit the break to see the tier list.

Before giving the list, I would like to point out a few things:

  • Though I spent time on order within tiers, it’s the tier placement that matters more. They can all pretty easily shift around their respective tiers.
  • I tried to take overall team usefulness into account when making this; Meaning that characters with great assists may be higher up simply for their assist value, even if their point game isn’t that spectacular. (Sentinel, anyone?)
  • I also tried to cut some slack for a few characters who I think are really good, but aren’t showcasing much of their potential yet. (Jill, MODOK, Spiderman, and a few others.)
  • Level 3 X-Factor makes every character insane, so I don’t think there is much point in basing tier positions based primarily on X-Factor usage. Keep in mind that some characters do use it better than others, though.

Without further ado, my UMvC3 tier list:

S: C. Viper, Zero, Dormammu, Wesker, Dante

A: Strider, Firebrand, Spencer, Phoenix, Magneto, Trish, Doctor Doom

A-: Wolverine, Hawkeye, X-23, Amaterasu, Taskmaster, Vergil

B:  Jill, MODOK, Felicia, Akuma, Sentinel, Deadpool, Spiderman, Super Skrull

B-: Nova, Morrigan, Storm, Iron Man, Chris Redfield, Rocket Raccoon, Frank West, Captain America

C: Doctor Strange, Thor, Ghost Rider, Nemesis, Shuma Gorath, Haggar, Arthur

C-: Hulk, Ryu, Viewtiful Joe, Iron Fist

D: She Hulk, Chun-li, Hsien Ko, Tron, Phoenix Wright

I honestly believe that after a few years, should the game last that long, that Firebrand, Jill, MODOK, Spiderman, and Morrigan will all rise in tiers; While Zero, Wesker, Spencer, Wolverine, and Sentinel will be more likely to fall a bit (but not much.)

Because assists are such a pivotal part of this game, I figured I would make a healthy list of 15 of the most effective assists in the game. This is based on the general utility of the assist and what I’ve seen done with it in competitive play.

Top 15 Assists:

Sentinel (Drones – Charge), Amaterasu (Cold Star), Doctor Doom (Hidden Missiles), Strider (Vajra), Akuma (Tatsumaki), Dante (Jam Session), Haggar (Spinning Lariat), Vergil (Rapid Slash), Doctor Doom (Plasma Beam), Wesker (Samurai Edge), Iron Man (Unibeam), Morrigan (Dark Harmonizer), Hawkeye (Greyhound), Frank West (Shopping Cart), Shuma Gorath (Mystic Ray)

Don’t forget! Tier lists are fun and informative – They’re also ever-changing and subject to opinion. I personally believe that, in due time, we’ll see many changes to this as the game is more thoroughly fleshed out.

If you would like to voice your opinion do so in the comments or hit up the submissions page and submit your entire tier list to me in an e-mail (use the same format, please.) I would love to publish more community opinions on the blog.

  1. Crys. Eye says:

    @Top 15 assist

    Magneto Disruptor???

  2. ArcherOfTime says:

    Why is phoenix wright so low in your tier?

    • jose says:

      one uses wright that much..you get to him real easy, even with assist spam or something and him getting someone in the lvl 3 combo can be kind difficult unless you go for the air grab..which can also be difficult since alot of people jump or go for grabs

  3. Angela Anaconda says:

    You are an idiot.

  4. Sevans says:

    This list should be updated, but life’s keeping me occupied.

    @Crys – Disruptor is amazing, and should probably be on that list of assists, but I feel like a few other assists outperform it in the horizontal beam department.

    @Archer – Because after that big update Phoenix Wright just isn’t worth the effort. He’s fun and a wish he were better, but he’s not.

    @Angela – Glad you think so. Feel free to discuss things, it’s better than name calling.

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